UQPN history

The University of Queensland Professionals Network (UQPN) was established on 24 February 1977 for the purpose of fellowship and the exchange of ideas. 

paperbag and appleIt was named the University of Queensland Secretaries’ Association and was governed by a constitution. In 2000, it was decided to change the name of the association to reflect the changing role of secretaries and to encourage a wider membership from office professionals across UQ. Hence, 'Office Professionals' was included in the name and the University of Queensland Secretaries’ and Office Professionals' Association (UQSOPA) was born.

In 2012, we rebranded to the University of Queensland Professionals Network (UQPN) to modernise our identity and focus on the future. This new name more accurately represents the entire community of professional staff at UQ. Our goal was to acknowledge the evolving role of the association and to recognise all professional staff at UQ.

As we do today UQPN coordinated courses with the generous support of UQ and its Staff Development Committee and held events throughout the year including an annual conference providing networking opportunities for all.

UQPN old logo

UQPN celebrated its 45th anniversary in 2022 and continues to hold true to its founding members’ desire to provide an avenue for the professional and personal development of individual members and networking opportunities for all professional staff employed by and associated with the University.

UQPN past presidents

Jodi Li | 2021 - 2024

Sue Cox | 2014 - 2020

Tara Kitch | circa 2010 - 2013

Lesley Forest | circa 2010 - 2013

Karen Hendrickson | 2007 - 2009

Raewyn Peeti | 2005 - 2007

Sue Cox | 2004 - 2005

Hilary Mackie | 2002 - 2004

Glenda Cooper | 2000 - 2002

Coral Pink | 1998 - 2000

Robyn Humphreyes-Reid | 1995 - 1997

Anne Dombrovski | 1994

Before 1994

Anne Palmer

June Jorgensen

Margaret Dawson

Mary Tooma

Kay Anderson

UQPN past patrons

Professor Joanne Wright, former Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Maurie McNarn ​​​​AO, former
Operating Officer
Professor Deborah Terry, former Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (current Vice-Chancellor)
Linda Bird, former Director of Student and Administrative Services DivisionJanine Schmidt, former University LibrarianJanet Irwin AM, former Director of Student Health Services
Dr Joan Opdebeeck, Lead Scientist, Department of ParasitologyDouglas Porter, former Secretary and Registrar 
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UQPN Membership

Contact us

For further information please email uqpn@uq.edu.au