Dr Jodi Li

I joined UQPN as a way of building my networks at UQ. Taking on the President role has been a fantastic professional development opportunity for me and I have enjoyed pushing myself out of my comfort zone to develop new skills. I am passionate about supporting others people to achieve and, in particular, I have always enjoyed passing on my learnings to other people in the hope they might help, which I why I am so keen to support the professional community at UQ. UQPN is a platform to be able to provide people with some of the development opportunities that professional staff might not otherwise have access too, and I am excited to be leading that initiative.
Originally from the UK, I have a background in science, with a PhD in biomolecular science. Following my PhD, I worked as a molecular scientist in a biotech company in Oxford, where I developed a keen interest in intellectual property. I moved to Sydney in 2011 to try a new lifestyle, where I worked as a postdoc for a couple of years before moving to Brisbane to pursue opportunities in IP, innovation, and research partnerships. During this time, I studied for a Masters of IP. At UQ I am the Senior Manager, Research Partnerships and Development in the Faculty of Science and I lead the Science Contracts team. My role involves working with researchers to engage with industry partners and negotiating research contracts.
Outside of work I usually enjoy playing touch rugby, although I am currently having time out while I manage family commitments, running and boxing PT.
I have raised funds for Parkinson’s charities and been heavily involved in volunteering for organisations such as Women in Technology and, more recently, Knowledge Commercialisation Australasia (KCA). I am currently the Chair of the KCA-QLD Network, a nationwide initiative that I developed, and am responsible for organising networking events here in Brisbane. I have also been a member of the KCA Annual conference committee for 4 years but stepped down to try new things.
More recently I have developed an interest in more operational roles, as I love planning, organising and doing – I get a huge sense of satisfaction/ achievement out of solving a problem or seeing an event come together.
I enjoy a challenge and love to learn new things and pick up new skills.