Katarina Kotze

Having recently joined UQ, I am excited to be a part of the UQP Professional Network (UQPN). I look forward to networking, connecting with others and delivering exciting and fun events in the Emerging Professionals space.
I’m an Operations and Administration professional with experience in the student and academic administration and operations space. Before starting in this role, I worked as an Administration Assistant at the School of Economics (UQ) within the Student and Academic Administration Team. Prior to joining UQ, I worked at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Professional Services Team at the Faculty of Business and Law and Student Support and Curriculum Team at the Faculty of Health.
In my current role within the Research Office, I support the pre-award and post-award teams with various tasks such as processing grant applications received from researchers, administration of internal grant rounds, assist in the maintenance of Research Office website and as well as monitoring, revieing and updating of processes. I recently joined the RO Social Club, currently sitting on the committee as the secretary.
My qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Psychology from The University of Queensland. I’m also connected with the UQ Research Administration Network (UQRAN) as a general member. The UQ Research Administration Network (UQRAN) forms a Community of Practice to encourage communication and cooperation in activities relating to the administration and management of Research and HDR students across UQ with the aim of increasing collegiality, effectiveness, and efficiency.