About us

We are a peer-led group led by a volunteer committee whose core purpose is to foster excellence and collaboration across the professional community through networking, knowledge sharing and professional development.

UQPN brings all professional staff together, regardless of HEW level, job description or campus.


Our vision is to continue to provide valuable professional development that is of direct benefit to all UQ staff, along with networking opportunities that enable creativity, friendship and fostering a greater sense of community at UQ.


UQ Professionals Network (UQPN) shall be for the purpose of fellowship and the exchange of ideas, professional and personal development, and networking to support and foster a strong community for UQ professional staff.

To this end, our Purpose is:

  • to share their knowledge and help each other wherever possible with advice or assistance relating to best practice and technical aspects of their work as UQ professional staff

  • to welcome and assist new professional staff appointed at UQ

  • to endeavour to promote understanding and co-operation

  • to participate in and promote the personal and professional development of all members

Thereby accomplishing self-improvement through the UQPN member network


The University of Queensland Professionals Network (UQPN) was established on 24 February 1977 for the purpose of fellowship and the exchange of ideas. It was named the University of Queensland Secretaries’ Association and was governed by Constitution. In 2000, it was decided to change the name of the Association to reflect the changing role of secretaries and to encourage a wider membership from office professionals across the University. Hence ‘Office Professionals’ was added to the name and the ‘University of Queensland Secretaries’ and Office Professionals’ Association’ - UQSOPA was born.

On Tuesday 20 March 2012 we launched the new name of the Association. We felt it important to bring the Association up-to-date with a fresh identity and focus to take us into the future.  The name was changed to the ‘University of Queensland Professionals Network’ – UQPN. This new name better reflects, on a holistic level, the community of professional staff at UQ. We wanted to acknowledge both the changing role of the Association and to recognise all professional staff within the University.

UQPN co-ordinates courses with the generous support of the University and its University Staff Development Committee, which are listed on the University Staff Development website. Events are held throughout the year including the annual conference. These events provide networking opportunities for all.

UQPN will celebrate its 45th anniversary in 2022, and continues to hold true to its founding members’ desire to provide an avenue for professional and personal development of individual members and networking opportunities for all professional staff employed by, and associated with, the University.